So I went to Walmart yesterday and got a fabric remnant for 50cents. It is so beautiful; and I sat contemplating what to do with it for a long time. Should it be a lantern, or a broach, or a necklace, or a Christmas ornament? Then I remembered this neat box that came in the mail with a sample of a Kashi granola bar. It is a pyramid that opens up flat. I made a pencil case! I want to add a postscript here. After posting this on my Facebook page, someone suggested that I could use this as a crochet hook case. What a wonderful idea since all my hooks are standing in empty medicine bottles; not very pretty. So my crochet hooks will get a lovely box to lay in thanks to my Facebook friend.
First I started by tracing the box pattern on to a plain sheet of paper to use on another scrap of cardboard if I wanted to later. Then I trimmed some fabric and glued the inside first with Mod Podge letting it dry overnight. This morning I glued the outside on leaving little tabs to fold over to make neat seams. The rubber band held the box shut so it would dry properly folded. Finally I finished the whole thing with a coat of Shimmer Mod Podge just on the outside. When It all dries I will add a self adhesive velcro fastener to the lid. Here are the pictures
The flat Kashi box

The folded Kashi box

The lovely fabric

The inside covered

The outside drying
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