Here is a Koi windsock made from an empty waterbottle and a clean kitchen trash bag
Instructions and pictures
Using a sharp pair of kitchen sheers, cut off the top and the bottom
Slide the waterbottle into the trash bag just till the bottle top is inside the top part of the bag. Cut off the remaining bag leaving 1 inch to tuck inside the bottle later.
With another bag cut about 6 to 8 1 inch strips the length of the bag. These will be the fish's tail.
Tape bag around the inside of the top and the bottom. I used packing tape. Cut off any extra lengthwise and tape along the bottom seam.
Tip: I found the side seam of the bag and used that to form the top "fin" Then I taped along the fin on both sides so the string wouldn't tear the bag.
Drawing! I looked up some images of Koi on the internet and roughly copied one. Here are the eyes drawn.
Drawing the scales. I used BIC Mark-It permanent markers to draw and color the scales free hand.
Filling in the drawing. I used a lighter shade of orange to color in the scales
Finishing: Use a hole punch and make one hole at each end of the top fin. String with yarn and hang in the breeze!
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